Robotize agv
Robotize agv

robotize agv robotize agv

* Companies profiled: 70-80 (we identified a total of c.250 vendors) * Categories covered: Truck, Mouse, Fork, Platform, Custom + outdoors * Interviews completed: 64 (each interview lasted up to 60mins) The AGVs both work on the basis of natural navigation, which simply means that they do not rely on external systems for route determination, but create their own mapping. This new version is a supplement to the existing GoPal 400.

robotize agv

* Estimated time to read: 1.5hrs ("skim read" in 10min) With the new GoPal 800 from Robotize, pallet loads of 800kg can now be transported for your internal logistics. STIQ's report seeks to create clarity in the AGV landscape for buyers and vendors alike. As a result, new acronyms to separate technologies has appeared, such as AMR (Autonomous Mobile Robots) and LGV (Laser Guided Vehicle). The AGV (Automatic Guided Vehicles) sector is highly fragmented and uses a wide variety of technologies for navigating the various vehicles (Mouse, Truck, Fork).

Robotize agv